The advantages of generating energy through steam

Thermoelectric advantages

The advantages of thermoelectric generation must be analyzed by three facts. These are: energy self-sufficiency, energy savings and collaboration with the environment.

Self-sufficiency: This is a desire of every company, depending only on itself to generate its energy. The company is no longer dependent on the instability and quality of energy from the concessionaires, very common in companies that are more withdrawn or end of line. It’s worth mentioning that to be self-sufficient in electricity, it’s also required to be self-sufficient with fuel for the steam generation.

In the near future and with the heated economy, there will certainly be a lack of energy in Brazil. Companies that want to start their businesses will not have access to energy and those that have access will certainly pay a high price for it.

Economy: Undoubtedly, this has always been the great desire of all companies, to reduce their energy costs, whether to become more competitive in the market or simply to have more money for the company.

For the condensation system, or dedicated system for generating electricity, it’s required to have fuel with low commercial value to make the project viable. For back pressure systems or reduction turbines, any fuel value makes the business viable, as the steam would be generated anyway for the manufacturing process.

An Example for condensing system:

Thinking based on a company that has a monthly energy bill of around R$ 200.000,00 (with taxes and demand) per month, a 1 MW system would reduce this bill to about R$ 70.000,00, considering the ton of fuel costing R$ 50,00.

Environment: Because the fuel that is burned in the boiler is a renewable source, it makes our generation a conscious generation. Biomass, as a fuel with low greenhouse gas emissions, makes our generation a clean generation. In addition, in many places this biomass has no use and no commercial value, making the destination of this waste often not in the right way and that is where our system fits perfectly, giving the right destination to the waste and generating savings.

Many companies nowadays seek In order to do it environmental awareness, making thermoelectric generations gain strength in the market. In an ideal future, each company could be responsible for its own power generation and waste management.


Wortice helps you.. 

Wortice has a commercial and technical team specialized in generation systems from 50 up to 5,000 kw. The team will come to you and analyze your conditions, such as electricity consumption, fuel value in the region, boiler conditions, availability of investment funds, among other details. After this analysis and a case study, Wortice will propose the best solution for your company.

In addition to it, we manufacture the turbo generators for power generation and manage the installation of the remaining thermoelectric equipment, such as biomass feed, boiler and substation.

Wortice’s turbo generators and thermoelectric plants meet this type of generation with efficiency and low operating costs.

Do you want to know more? Contact us, or request a study for your requirements

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