What are the advantages of a steam turbine?



Did you know that steam turbines are responsible for around 90% of all energy produced worldwide? Such efficiency and technology are developed by companies like Wórtice Energia, which is a reference in steam turbines in Brazil.

With the help of specialized professionals for over 45 years, Wórtice Energia brings you the advantages of a steam turbine. With 360º solutions, Wórtice Energia designs, manufactures, installs, and offers the best maintenance resources for steam turbines, further enhancing the efficiency and other advantages of a steam turbine.


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Understand what a steam turbine is

A steam turbine is a state-of-the-art equipment designed to convert steam generated by industrial processes into electrical energy.

The steam turbines made by Wórtice Energia have systems that, when activated, transform the heat of the steam into kinetic energy, which is in turn converted into electrical energy and used throughout the entire plant. In other words:

  • Wórtice Energia's steam turbines work by expanding the steam generated in a boiler, causing the propeller or rotor to spin, generating mechanical energy.

Where is it used?

As mentioned at the beginning of this content, around 90% of the electrical energy produced and consumed in the world comes from steam turbines. Therefore, it is intuitive to think that they are used in virtually all industrial sectors, such as:


  • Acai industry
  • Woodworking and Sawmills
  • Rice milling
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Food and beverage industry
  • Waste processing (MSW)
  • Thermal power plants
  • General processing industries
  • Among other customized projects


For all these segments and many others, Wórtice Energia has complete, effective, and modern solutions in steam turbines.

Discover the advantages of a steam turbine

To generate electrical energy from steam, a byproduct of various internal processes of an industrial plant, technology and efficiency are essential. These are the two main advantages of a steam turbine from Wórtice Energia.

But to better understand the possibilities, resources, and reasons that make steam turbines the primary engine within an industry, the specialized professionals at Wórtice Energia have prepared the following list:


  • High energy efficiency: steam turbines can convert up to 90% of steam energy into electrical energy.
  • High power generation capacity: a single steam turbine can generate several megawatts of electrical energy.
  • Flexibility: steam turbines can be adapted to meet the needs of different sectors, such as power generation, steel industry, and paper production.
  • Low maintenance costs: steam turbines require minimal maintenance and have a long service life.

The best in steam turbines can be found at Wórtice Energia.

No more doubts: the best in steam turbines, from design to maintenance, is at Wórtice Energia.

Wórtice Energia is a leader in the steam turbine market, offering the best solutions for converting steam energy into electricity. With a highly qualified team and advanced technologies, Wórtice Energia guarantees customer satisfaction with high-quality products and services.

If you are looking for a high-performance and energy-efficient steam turbine, Wórtice Energia is the right choice! Learn more here.

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