Information on the manufacturer of  | Condensing Turbine

Information on the manufacturer of Condensing Turbine

The condensing turbine manufacturer operates with equipment that is widely used in several industrial segments, in view of its characteristics, which, in addition to being able to make a difference in any production chain, have a high-performance index as one of their main spots.

In general terms, the equipment worked by the condensing turbine manufacturer was designed to be applied, in a more assiduous way, in power generator drives. Thus, when the objective is to maximize the power generation, the condensing turbine is more indicated.

Main features of the Condensing Turbine

  • Forced lubrication system;
  • Valves that perform quick-type control and closing are actuated by hydraulic actuators;
  • The sealing of steam and oil occurs through a labyrinth type system, with split housings;
  • The high-pressure stage is made of cast steel, as well as the low-pressure stage is made of carbon steel plates;
  • It ends up allowing greater flexibility of the turbine steam outlet position;
  • The thrust bearings are oscillating pads and the thrust bearings are sliding.

Thus, and because it’s an apparatus capable of assertively mobilizing and optimizing a certain production chain, it’s essential that a specialized condensing turbine manufacturer be chosen for the acquisition of the equipment.

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Highly qualified condensing turbine manufacturer

Wortice is a condensing turbine manufacturer that is notable for manufacturing condensing turbines within the highest standard of excellence, in addition to offering maintenance service for this equipment, aiming to meet the customer's multiple requirements, with a highly qualified and state-of-the-art technological infrastructure.

The condensing turbine manufacturer has as its main values quality and punctuality and, in addition, its headquarters are located in Sertãozinho, in the region of Ribeirão Preto, in the country of São Paulo. Even so, the company meets the demands of customers located throughout Brazil.

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