Technical Assistance

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The Brazilian economy is extensive and diversified. There are several segments that turn the gear that seeks, with technology, innovation and appropriate solutions, to create an increasingly stronger environment for the internal and external scenario.

The creation of commercial strategies and other day-to-day points are important, but if there is not adequate attention to the full functioning of your equipment, all the planning can be at risk. Therefore, about emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and specialized technical assistance in steam turbines, care must be even greater. After all, keeping your equipment in full operation ensures competitiveness and greater profits.

That is why Wortice , a company based in Sertãozinho, a city in the country of São Paulo state, and founded in 2014 by professionals with over 45 years of technical experience in the sector, ensures the best emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and 24-hour specialized technical assistance on the steam turbine market

Why should we invest in Steam Turbine Maintenance and Specialized Technical Assistance?

Production and market space gain depend on an active industrial park, technical knowledge and strategic planning.

Within this scenario, emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and technical assistance specialized in steam turbines play a key role. Not only to ensure the necessary productivity, but also for the safety of professionals and even for a good relationship with the environment.

It’s for all these reasons that Wortice was founded in 2014, bringing together more than 45 years of experience from its multidisciplinary team, which ensures the best emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and specialized technical assistance for the most varied markets.

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What are the types of Maintenance and Specialized Technical Assistance in Steam Turbine?

What are the types of Maintenance and Specialized Technical Assistance in Steam Turbine?

The Maintenance and Technical Assistance Specialized in Steam Turbines carried out by Wortice team is divided into four types:

  1. Emergency: carried out in situations where the Power Generation, Energy or Thermoelectric plants suddenly stop working, causing an immediate “collapse” in production;
  2. Preventive: elaborated by a previous planning that meets the requirements, avoiding economic losses due to the stoppage of the steam turbine;
  3. Predictive: also performed according to the customer's requirements through the analysis of previously collected data. The main references analyzed are: vibration, visual inspections and other non-destructive techniques for steam turbine evaluation;
  4. Corrective: as the name implies, it’s performed to correct problems that make it impossible for the steam turbine to work. It’s also possible to repower older ones.

Where is the Maintenance and Technical Assistance Specialized in Wortice Steam Turbine performed?

Wortice ensures results, speed and use of the highest technology in emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and technical assistance specialized in steam turbines Our Maintenance Engineering and Process Engineering team employs all its 45 years of expertise to identify and eliminate failures that generate a drop in productivity.

In order to do it, our teams can work in two ways in maintenance and specialized technical assistance for the Emergency, Corrective, Preventive and Predictive plans:

Steam turbine service in the field

For situations in which it’s not possible to transport the equipment, either due to dimensions or to avoid interruption in production. In other words, the service is provided to the customer.

Factory steam turbine service

Held at Wortice’s facilities, when it’s possible to transport the equipment. This will be analyzed by the Technical and Engineering department so that the ideal processes are carried out.

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Why should we hire Wortice for Maintenance and Specialized Technical Assistance in Steam Turbine?

Why should we hire Wortice for Maintenance and Specialized Technical Assistance in Steam Turbine?

Because your company requirements the expertise of more than 45 years of Wortice professionals in emergency, corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance and specialized technical assistance. Our commitment is to deliver excellence in service with meeting Delivery times and maximum added quality in its processes.

In order to do it, we have a modern and robust physical structure to meet the entire production line with attention to all safety standards in steam turbine maintenance and technical assistance.

Thus, you reduce losses with downtime for maintenance and still have:

  • Urgency and Emergency Plan 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
  • On-site service;
  • Application of all technical standards;
  • 100% national technology

For more information, please contact us!

 Our professionals are available to offer the best maintenance and technical assistance specialized in steam turbines

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