Steam  | Turbine Valves

Steam Turbine Valves

In a power generation plant, it’s required to have high capability in steam controls precision and emergency action functions.

For this, the application requires control valves for Steam Turbine with high controllability

In addition to safety valves for Steam Turbine, with quick closing characteristics, ensuring greater operational reliability.

It’s important that all steam turbine valves are able to move very quickly in the event of a trip situation.

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Control <strong>Valves for Steam Turbine</strong>

Control Valves for Steam Turbine

Steam Turbine Control Valves is the procedure of controlling the rate of steam flow to a steam turbine in order to keep its rotational speed constant. The variation in load during the operation of a steam turbine can have a significant impact on its performance.

In a practical situation, the load often varies from the design load, so there is always a considerable deviation from the desired turbine performance.

The main objective in steam turbine operation is to maintain a constant rotational speed, regardless of varying load. This can be achieved through control in a steam turbine.

Control Valves for Steam Turbine are the most important parts of any control system in a power generation plant. Nothing influences the stability of processes as much as control valves for Steam Turbine

Control valves are essential for overall process performance control, especially when reliability and productivity are top goals.

They are the key to stable operation. The ideal control valve is one that is designed, engineered, tested and optimized for a specific application. Wortice ensures these solutions for steam flow control.

Safety Valves for Steam Turbine

For greater safety in operation, there are safety valves for Steam Turbine, which acts in the protection system against turbine overspeed, "TRIP/ Overspeed ".

For this, we installed an additional system consisting of a Turbine Protection Valves, Electronic Controllers and Rotation Sensors, thus ensuring greater control of a steam turbine.

This safety system operates independently of the turbine control system, in which the only objective is to monitor the rotation of the equipment and block the admission of steam to the turbine, in case the turbine rotation exceeds the programmed TRIP value.

Another important function of such a system is the possibility of remote activation to block the turbine inlet.

Steam turbine safety valves are designed to measure steam in emergency situations, they have:


  • Quick trigger
  • Selection of suitable materials to avoid locking in the security system
  • Pneumatic piston with quick closing by spring and fail position normal closed
  • Internal components made of highly corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steels
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Wortice - Valves for Steam Turbine

We have a great knowledge in the market of valves for steam turbines, with professionals with more than 40 years of experience. We offer services on all models of equipment and all manufacturers.

Our objective is to offer efficient solutions, with specialized technical maintenance, aiming at excellence in quality, contributing to the industrial sector in an ethical and productive way.

We have specialized technical service at the factory and on site for:

  • Corrective maintenance
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Maintenance focused in reliability
  • Renovation, retrofit and Modernization
  • Operational interventions
  • Replacement of parts and components
  • Equipment installations, commissioning and start-up
  • Inspections with technical report preparation and performance monitoring

We also have specialized technical assistance on call, with a team available for field service and a manufacturing structure with 24-hour availability for technical services.

  • Total excellence in service dedicated to each customer
  • Professionals with over 40 years of experience
  • Specialized Technical Team with engineering support
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week emergency call
  • Technical team available for on-site assistance
  • Factory and Team available 24 hours a day
  • 100% Brazilian technology
  • Environmental & Social Responsibility

Learn more about the
Valves for Steam Turbine services offered by Wortice

With its physical headquarters located in Sertãozinho, a city located in the country of São Paulo state, Wortice is a company that manufactures and provides maintenance on valves for steam turbines, which in addition to having specialized workforce, acts in accordance with all safety standards, always aiming at total excellence in the service dedicated to each customer.

In addition to offering solutions in valves for steam turbines, Wortice offers different industrial solutions in power generation, such as:

For more information about steam turbine valves or other services that Wortice offers, contact us by phone (16) 3511-0220 or send an email to


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