Bearing Recovery

After a certain use of an equipment it may be required to carry out its reconditioning so that it returns to the working state, and one of the most important processes is the recovery of bearings.

Bearings are responsible for preventing damage caused by friction between the shaft of your machine, be it a turbine, gearbox, or motor, which is one of the main parts to be replaced in a reconditioning process.

How is the bearing recovery process performed?

Patent metal bearings are received at our facilities, where they undergo an evaluation by our technical department, which will start the removal of the patent metal that is damaged in it, for replacement with a new material.

During the process, due care is taken so that the recovering bearing returns to its original design characteristics, through the adequate recovery of the damaged materials.

How does Wortice Patent Metal Bearing Recovery Service work?

Due to its team of extensive knowledge in the area of recovery of patent metal bearings, Wortice serves the most varied models of equipment, from the most varied manufacturers in the market.

As long as it’s possible to apply the patent metal in the bearing sent to our team, we can carry out the maintenance of your machine.

Service for older or discontinued models

One of the major concerns of those who own an industry is in relation to older machinery that may show natural wear from its use, but Wortice also assists in the recovery of bearings from older machinery.

If there are no specifications or manuals related to the maintenance of a certain equipment, either because its manufacturer no longer supports it or no longer exists, our engineering team will carry out an evaluation to return the proper functioning of your machine's bearings.

Our engineering department is able to maintain and carry out the process of repowering the equipment, returning it to its ideal performance.

How long can it take to recover patent metal bearings?

There is no standard deadline for performing the patent metal bearing recovery service, as the time may vary according to the equipment, its size and its type of operation.

To understand more about service Delivery times, contact our team using the form below or WhatsApp.

When can we recover patent metal bearings?

When can we recover patent metal bearings?

The patent metal bearing recovery service can be performed in a preventive or corrective way.

When preventive maintenance is carried out on the shaft of your machinery, an assessment of the wear level of the bearings is carried out.

In the case of corrective maintenance, normally, the equipment in question may be presenting noise, or a lower-than-expected rotation performance, emission of gases that are not just steam, thus being required to carry out the recovery or replacement of the patent metal bearings depending on the level of wear.

What are the main differentials of Wortice’s bearing recovery service?

As a company that provides patent metal bearing recovery service, Wortice works with strict quality control aiming at the best final result

We meet even the most stringent technical standards, as our maintenance department is able to carry out the recovery and repowering of medium to large machines and turbines.

Furthermore, we have a team with a knowledge of more than 40 years of experience in the market ready to meet your requirements in maintenance and recovery of bearings.

Where can we find patent metal bearings?

If you are looking for high quality patent metal bearings for your plant or industry work, you can find at Wortice, which is a patent metal bearing manufacturer with extensive experience and know-how.

Contact us through our WhatsApp or the contact form below.

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